Robert Hahn’s March 2022 Letter to Staff (With Annotations Beneath)

Dear Staff,

I’m sending this to you with full knowledge and support of the Session. And I am sending it on their behalf.

By now most of you, if not all, have seen the social media post by Sara Lafferty and the anonymous blog about Chesapeake in general and me specifically.

First let me say that the accusations are blatantly untrue and false. The fact that the blog is anonymous shows the writer is a coward without the courage to make an open accusation to which they would have to answer.

As you know, I don’t make claims I can’t prove. So I offer the following points-

In terms of whether Allison Morrison was mistreated by the elders - Allison was a part of the decision making and agreed with and advocated on every decision made regarding Jason was dealt with. She pleaded that he not be fired. (Missing the final sentences on this particular part of the letter.)

  1. In addition, a few months after the incident Allison met with my wife and asked if she could rent our basement apartment and live there with her children in our home. It is difficult to believe that if Allison felt I had interrogated her or if Allison felt I was ‘shielding” an abusive husband, that she would then want to come and live in my home.

  2. About ten days ago Allison sent a letter to the elders wanting to meet with us and so she could own the description she created and apologize for all the hurt she brought to the church and to find a way to get to restoration. Yes, this really happened, we have the email. You can be sure that if Allison felt she was interrogated by the elders she wouldn’t ask to meet with those same elders to apologize.

Regarding Sara

You should know that as early as May 2021, Sara was sending Ron job openings for him to apply to. Sara was a part of Ron’s plan from the beginning.

She supported him quitting even while he was a candidate for elder himself (which she supported- the irony there!), even while he was standing on the stage and making his Pastor’s commitment vows to the congregation - they were both planning to leave Chesapeake entirely.

The plan was for him to work at Chesapeake until the end of 2021 (living off the tithes and offerings of the congregation) while they prepared to separate. Of course the truth came out- as it does.

After the elders offered (two times) to help Sara pay for some of her health costs as an act of benevolence to her children, Sara asked for a payment of over $13,000 paid in a lump som, a check written directly to her to help cover three years of health care. This was, of course, declined. We offered her three months of health care assistance and a possible three-month extension after that, but we refused to send the money to her directly. Sara rejected that payment plan saying it was not possible- something that we know to be not true. This benevolence was not something we were obligated to do and it ultimately would have taken funds from more needy people - but we wanted to help. And still Sara showed no gratitude and instead was acrimonious about it. All of this is in writing.

We rescinded the offer.

And that’s when her post came out.

These are the facts - all of which can be proven.

All of this is painful, I know. But I hope this gives you an insight to the motives of people. This hurts- it hurts not just me - but it hurts the Bride of Christ.

As you think through and sort of all out, please remember that people who have told you the truth throughout this entire ordeal have been your elders.

If you have any questions - feel free to ask me, or any of the elders.


Robert (on behalf of the elders)

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obstained with his owbn blood. Acts 20:28

All of the Falsehoods within Hahn’s March letter to his staff:

Hahn said: The accusations are blatantly untrue and false:

In fact, Robert Hahn did ask Sara to lie. She called her father, an attorney,  and asked him for advice immediately after Hahn asked her to lie. We have since gone through phone records and found the exact time she called, right after her conversation with Hahn.

In fact, Hahn did ask Allison not to tell anyone about the abuse, including her own mother, and made concerted efforts to make sure the information didn’t get out to the congregation or to the police.

In fact, Allison was very uncomfortable allowing her husband back on campus to attend services; however, she was asked to meet executive pastor Ann Edwards in the parking lot where Edwards asked Allison to allow Jason back on the church campus. Edwards stated that Jason needed the support of his church community. Allison felt cornered and reluctantly agreed, so long as Jason stayed away from her.

In fact, the only reason Allison wished for Jason to keep his job was that she was terrified of losing his income. Showing an appalling lack of knowledge about domestic abuse victims, rather than offering her financial assistance/ resources and support, the church leaders agreed to let Jason keep his job. (Jason later resigned, but sources indicate he is back as an employee of the church.)

Money is one of the top reasons women stay with or return to their abusers.

Allison’s entire community was at that church. To assume she had no problem with Hahn’s behavior or the behavior of the elders based on her desperate attempt to reclaim her community is either willfully ignorant or purposefully deceptive. Chesapeake Church has a counseling center, yet its own leaders seem to have absolutely no idea how to deal with domestic abuse victims. Allison appealed to the “leaders” of her community so she could regain her friendships. She trusted and liked Jean, and was also desperate for affordable lodging.

In fact, Hahn sent that email knowing that Jason, Allison’s abusive estranged husband, would see it. He knowingly put her in danger the minute he pressed send. It was an unconscionable act of subterfuge. An act like this should never be swept under the rug by leadership. It is shameful that not one member of Chesapeake’s leadership has admitted that any wrongdoing occurred. It is horrifying that a church of this size and with this type of influence in the community has no systems of accountability in place. If it’s convenient for them, the leadership exposes sin. If inconvenient, they cover it up. Hypocrisy runs rampant.

Hahn said: You should know that as early as May 2021, Sara was sending Ron job openings for him to apply to Sara was a part of Ron’s plan from the beginning.

After witnessing Hahn’s increasingly erratic behavior over the years, Ron and Sarah both considered finding employment elsewhere. The “last straw” for Sara came after she witnessed Hahn screaming at her husband, verbally abusing him, during a staff meeting. She resigned from her position in early 2021. She held out hope that if Ron stayed,  Robert would eventually step down completely and relinquish control over the church. She did not know Ron was having an affair. I’m not sure what “She was a part of Ron’s plan all along” means.  Seeking new job opportunities is common and not, as Hahn seems to insinuate, a part of some greater conspiracy. This statement sheds light on the control Hahn wishes to maintain over his employees and on the unquestioned loyalty he expects from them. If Hahn had further insight into why Ron and Sara were thinking of leaving, he must have received that information from the journal he stole and distributed among his staff members.

Hahn said: And the elders offered (two times)

The elders did not offer.

The first person to reach out to offer help was a staff member, then Ann Edwards, who was never an Elder, as women are allowed to serve as pastors and are allowed to teach, but are not allowed to serve as Elders. Perhaps the staff member and Edwards were under directives from the Elders, but the leadership never reached out personally to offer assistance or to apologize for Hahn’s irresponsible email and the theft of Ron’s s journal. Robert Hahn reached out later in the year and negotiated the “help.” After Hahn decided to rescind his offer, he had Steve Bertolaccini tell Sara they had changed their mind. The emails that chronicle these events are below.

Hahn said: Sara rejected that plan saying it was impossible – something we know not to be true.

This is a false statement. Sara couldn’t afford insurance unless she subscribed through her work, which is true for most United States citizens who are not on Medicaid. She contacted her work to find out how much she would have to pay, personally, for insurance. That amount of money would be taken out of her paycheck. Sara’s work pays the insurance company; Sara’s part is deducted directly from her paycheck. Her employers pay the other part. Sending money to the insurance company would not have stopped her employers from deducting her premium from each paycheck. If the church had wanted to help her the Lafferty family, they would have given her a benevolence check. Robert Hahn knew all of this.

Sara never asked for help. She was reticent about accepting it. After rejecting her suggestion of a way the church could help in the most unChrist-like fashion imaginable, Hahn painted her as a greedy money-grabber who was “less needy” than others.

Emails between “Sara,” Ann Edwards, Robert Hahn, and Steve Bertolaccini.

From: Ann Edwards <>

Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2021 10:52 AM

To: (redacted)

Subject: Health Insurance


Dear (redacted), 

I am so sorry to let you know that we won't be able to help you with health benefits for you and the children. 

This is based on attorney counsel that we received yesterday --- please see the below excerpt:


Finally, Mr. Lafferty has litigation pending against you.  Even if we are successful in defeating his request for a peace order next week, there is a real possibility of additional litigation in the near future.  Creating this sort of connection between the Church and Mrs. Lafferty in the absence of any legal obligation to do so unnecessarily complicates the legal matters.  My obligation is to protect you and the Church.  I wouldn’t want this issue to negatively impact our position in the current matter or any future matter.  For these reasons, I am counseling against the Church’s desire to assist Mrs. Lafferty with health insurance.  Feel free to contact me should you wish to discuss this matter further.

 Again, we are sorry we're unable to help.

 In Christ,




Ann Edwards

Lead Pastor

Chesapeake Church / 410-257-0700 

Wherever the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17

Mary showed no gratitude and was acrimonious about it.

Here are the emails that highlight the so-called “acrimony.”

“The act of benevolence is comprised of both a spirit of gratitude on the part of the receiver and a spirit of charity on the part of the giver.”

Where, Mr. Bertolaccini, is that particular Bible verse? I can’t find it anywhere.

Luke 6:34-35

If you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount.

But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.

Matthew 5:42

Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

One final note.

In a 3/13 court hearing, Robert Hahn claimed to have “very little control” over the financial aspects of the church. (Quote taken from the transcription of the hearing.) He stated his role was merely pastoral:  “I preach, I counsel, and I equip the staff.”

Why was the man who traumatized the Lafferty family with his treacherous email the one to negotiate health insurance with Sara? Sara couldn’t stand to open her email and see Robert Hahn’s name. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him. This was the man who verbally abused her husband, asked her to lie about a domestic abuse situation, and then sent an email disclosing her husband’s affair to his entire staff (and to some not on his staff, including Sara’s daughter).

Here is a public Facebook post from a non-staff person who saw the email:

Refusing to beg does not equal “acrimonious”. The “to Sara from Bertolaccini” response is consistent with many stories that have been shared: if you show the least bit of resistance to Robert Hahn, you are severely chastised or, ultimately, banished.