
The Chesapeake Church Book of Order

Documents: Recordings of meetings, transcripts, sermon recordings, and other documents pertaining to the content within this blog can be found here.

Organizations that Specialize in Safeguarding and Independent Investigations

GRACE: Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment: An organization that provides training and safeguarding resources to protect the church from abusive practices. They also offer independent investigations. “This heart is at the core of GRACE’s mission to empower Christian communities to recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse.”

Thirtyone:Eight: An independent Christian charity that provides churches, organizations, other faith groups, individuals, and government entities with safeguarding tools they need to protect vulnerable people.

Guidepost Solutions: Guidepost is the organization that investigated and compiled an extensive report about sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. Their website states that they are “a diverse, global team of investigators, experienced security and technology consultants, and compliance and monitoring experts. We provide solutions that help companies, government agencies, individuals, and their counsel solve problems, mitigate risks, and resolve disputes, and protect lives, assets, and reputations. "

Fact Finding Ministry: FFM “serves international mission organizations, churches, Christian non-profit organizations, and schools providing a wholistic response to both current and historical allegations of abuse.” They specialize in child protection policy review, interviews, document review, site evaluations, locate and background services, and abuse response training.

Ministry Safe: An organization that provides a complete child safety system designed to reduce the risk of child sexual abuse.

News Outlets and Watch Groups

The Roys Report: The Roys Report is a Christian media outlet, “reporting the unvarnished truth about what’s happening in the Christian community so the church can be reformed and restored.”

LGBTQ+ Resources

Born Perfect: Michael at Born Perfect reached out a while back to ask that his organization be included on this page. His organization works to combat religious and mental health abuse against LGBTQ+ people. The site has useful information about the dangerous practice of “conversion therapy.”

Resource Guide for LGBTQ+ Youth in Maryland: FreeState Justice has compiled a comprehensive resource guide. In it, you can find support groups, health and wellness services, educational services and networks, and even a list of inclusive places to worship.

Jeff Chu: Jeff is an author, speaker, and gay Christian. I had the privilege of hearing Jeff Chu speak at Calvin College’s Festival of Faith and Writing several years back. If you’re struggling with reconciling your faith and sexuality, check him out. You certainly aren’t alone.

Help for Domestic Abuse Victims

Safe Harbor: Safe Harbor is a residential shelter maintained by the Calvert County Health Department for abused women and their children. Their service phone is 410-535-1121.

Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence: The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence is the “state domestic violence coalition that brings together victim service providers, allied professionals, and concerned individuals for the common purpose of reducing intimate partner and family violence and its harmful effects on our citizens”.

The Southern Maryland Center for Family Advocacy: The SMCFA provides “highly individualized legal advocacy and representation, case management, crisis management, and emergency shelter services, all free of charge, to survivors of domestic and sexual violence in St. Mary’s, Calvert, and Charles County.*”

*Emergency shelter services are currently only available in St. Mary’s County. A representative from shared the following two articles with me, believing they might help those who visit this page. The first article regards financial abuse, which occurs in over 98% of abusive relationships and is the #1 reason battered women and men do not leave their partners.

The second article is a helpful primer entitled “Women & Financial Literacy.” Divorce almost always threatens financial stability. Anyone can change their financial trajectory beginning with the steps outlined in the article.

Financial Abuse

Women & Financial Literacy