Concerns Regarding Robert Hahn and the Become One Project
I’m disappointed that the Calvert County School District would host an event put on by a questionable nonprofit. On May 3rd, the district hosted the debut an art exhibit entitled “Its Valid,” featuring the artwork of 41 high school students. I was not at the event; I do not reside in Calvert County. I received messages from parents who attended the exhibit, which was sponsored by the Become One Project.
Become One seems to be the main project under the umbrella of the nonprofit EvokePurpose, an organization about which I have concerns for the following reasons:
1. For the past two years, EvokePurpose has remained, according to the state of Maryland, “Not in Good Standing” which means “the business entity is not in compliance with one or more Maryland laws that apply to businesses and their responsibilities in this State.”
2. Robert Hahn attended the event, and was thanked as the “head of End Hunger,” though he was recently removed from all positions at End Hunger in Calvert County.
Robert Hahn doesn’t seem to have a specific role at EvokePurpose, but his name and address appear on the Articles of Incorporation under the “mail and address” section.
4. Robert Hahn has a dubious history with his many nonprofits. I discovered false information on the 990 forms of two separate nonprofits during the time he was at the helm of each.
A second red flag: Hahn admitted that donor funds were used to purchase the luxury Caribbean penthouse that serves as “headquarters” for his nonprofit The Central American Training Foundation, though its location is hours away from the actual organization in La Paz, Honduras, and though it serves primarily as a vacation home for Hahn.
4. The event revolved around mental wellness. Robert Hahn’s actions have wreaked havoc on a number of his former congregants’ mental well being. One woman is no longer able to enter a church without crying. One woman lost extensive weight due to anxiety from a specific action by Hahn. One woman is in extensive counseling for what she went through while at Chesapeake. Simply view the comments on the Survivors of Chesapeake Facebook page to read about how others’ mental well-being have been affected by Hahn’s actions.
This post is not meant to diminish the work the students put into the exhibit or the message they are trying to convey. Depression and anxiety among teens are at an all-time high, and it’s a subject that needs to be addressed.
However, no matter how seemingly worthy the cause, the district has an obligation to the public to research an organization before sponsoring an event. A simple search on Guidestar is all it takes.
This past year, I contacted Ms. Santoyo, who runs EvokePurpose, about her failure to comply with Maryland state law and about the extent of Hahn’s relationship with EvokePurpose. She never responded.
Please know to whom you’re giving your money. Do your research.
If you have concerns regarding this event, I urge you to contact the superintendent at the Calvert County School District.
*** This article has been updated to correct wrong information: Robert Hahn did not speak at the event. I apologize for the error.