Now that Robert Hahn is No Longer Senior Pastor, Should You Attend Chesapeake Church?
“So if you wanna know what I make, then you have to what I return back, and then I want to know what you make and see what you returned back that is the offer that I have been offering to the church for 30 years, and no one has ever taken me up on it. So if you want to do that. That’s transparency.”
Robert Hahn, June 6th, 2022
(Editor’s note: That is not transparency.)
So the lawsuit has been dropped. Robert Hahn is no longer senior pastor. Should you continue to or start attending Chesapeake Church?
In the video they just published, Daniel and Caroline referenced a statement made by one of our attorneys:
“You may be trying to save a church that doesn’t want to be saved.”
That’s a hard pill to swallow. Because, ultimately, my hope was for darkness to be exposed and for restoration to occur.
That has yet to happen. In fact, neither Hahn nor the leadership has taken any responsibility for the myriad of allegations lodged against them.
Before attending Chesapeake, and especially before tithing to the church, I’d recommend considering the following:
Ask the church where your money goes. As a member, you should have access to the church’s books and records. There’s no law that requires this; however, a church that refuses to disclose their financials to those who donate is a huge red flag. Ask, is Hahn still receiving a salary? Is this on top of a retirement package? How much is he getting paid? How much was he receiving as senior pastor beforehand? Did his pay decrease as he traveled more often?
Why did the leadership allow Hahn to get up on stage and lie about having an M.Div? Are you really okay with a church misleading its own congregation about its senior pastor’s credentials?
Hahn went out of his way to cover up a case of domestic abuse between two church employees. After publicly humiliating and possibly illegally evicting a single mother and her two children for the same sin Hahn engaged in on multiple occasions, the man who physically abused this same woman for years is a allegedly back on the church’s salary. Ask yourself, are you really okay with that?
Robert Hahn threatened my sister’s job, her children, and even her life. This has been documented. A peace order was sought but ultimately denied because my sister brought an email to court rather than the person who wrote the email. The elders know all of this. Yet Hahn remains on the elder board.
Are you okay with that?
There are many other questions I will go over at a later date.
Until Robert Hahn has been removed from Chesapeake Church entirely (and that includes the two nonprofits with which the church is associated), and until the leadership repents for all of their own actions, including enabling chronic abusers, and commits to a plan of transparency and accountability, I would stay far, far away from that building and from the people who run it.
And I wouldn’t give them a dime.
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11